Edition 105

Drizzle to


the active growth of
passive MFs


Culture: fashion’s influencer


The acrimony about alimony

What’s brewing

Regulating Broadcasting / Broadcasters


movie promo – teaser to movie


Right to disconnect


MF Lite: Streamlining Regulations for Passive Mutual Fund Schemes

Passive Mutual Funds are funds which mirror high performing market funds with the objective of maximising returns.

Decoding IPR

Threads of Controversy: Cultural Appropriation, Fashion, and Intellectual Property Rights

Addressing IPR implications on cultural influences in fashion is the need of the hour.


Acrimony about alimony

The Apex court recognizing the eligibility of Muslim women to receive maintenance under the CrPC in addition to Muslim personal law is reiteration that gender justice is for all irrespective of their religion.

What's Brewing

Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023

The Broadcasting Regulation Bill 2023 is a one stop shop regulation seeking to regulate all types of broadcasters and network operators.

Circulars and Notifications

The latest set of circulars and notifications brought out by the MCA, FEMA, SEBI & RBI.

The Verdict

Legal Implications of a Movie Trailer / Promo

The Supreme Court addressed the legal implications of a movie promo vis a vis the movie

Go Figure

The Senior Citizens Act

India enacted The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007 with the objective of protecting and safeguarding its ageing population from exploitation and apathy


Balancing Work and Well Being - the Right to Disconnect

Nations are beginning to recognize the need to introduce ‘Right to disconnect’ from work as law.




New Criminal laws w.e.f 1st July 2024



“Judge – Server of people, not God”

Quirky Corner

You Better Learn the Pronunciation

Mis pronouncing a State’s name is as common as mis pronouncing ‘mispronunciation’! Beware! It could be illegal

Mispronunciation can happen to anyone. However one must be careful with the name of this state. According to the Arkansas Code, the pronunciation of the state’s name is “Arkansaw”. The statute enacted in 1881, specifies that the last letter “s” is silent.  The law makes it illegal to mispronounce the name of the city. The law aims to preserve the identity of the state and embrace its cultural roots.

Worth a Thought?

The elusiveness of personal space

Boundaries are important not only for physical space but for emotional comfort as well.

Personal space is not just physical distance between persons. It is also the emotional and mental comfort felt around being with person / persons. 

There is no fixed proportion of personal space between people as it differs from one person to another. A reserved, reticent person is likely to feel more comfortable around family rather than a social gathering with strangers. In contract, an extrovert needs lesser personal space. It is a point beyond which entry into one’s thoughts and emotions are restricted.

Boundaries and personal space are often used interchangeably. There is a strong element of intuition / gut feeling in setting boundaries or not allowing another into personal space. It is important to listen to that voice in the head.

Distance between two people either physically or emotionally basically arises out of sense of comfort or safety. Be it professional or personal – laying down boundaries helps maintain a healthy interpersonal space sans intrusion.